West Ridge Church Next Steps Podcast
The Next Steps Podcast from West Ridge Church is all about helping you take your next step in your faith. Each week after the Sunday message, we have a practical conversation around the message and talk through how we can apply it to our lives. Along the way, we tackle other tough questions and topics to help you in your walk with God.Whether you’re new to the faith or began following God many years ago, there’s a next step to take in your own story. Discover yours today!
95 episodes
After Message - What Are You Clothed In?
If you identify as a follower of Jesus, do your actions and how you live your life matter? Does it matter how you speak, or how you treat others, maybe even those who are very different than you? What would it look like to love those who may se...
After Message - The Church: Called to Serve
One of the main things that God is passionate about is conforming his followers to be like His Son Jesus. He sent Jesus here to earth not only to give us a Savior, but He sent Him to give us a model by which we could live our lives and then to ...
After Message - The Church: Called to Unity
In today’s culture true Unity almost sounds like a foreign concept. Join us today as we discuss the importance of unity for the body of Christ and ALL disciples in our continuation of our series on the Church. Our host this week is Jason Chandl...
After Message - The Church: Groups
We are continuing in our series titled, "The Church", and Pastor Brian Bloye gave a great message about why small groups are important in the Christian community. What are the hesitations that people have when it comes to joining a group? Some ...
After Message - The Church: The Gathering
We’ve had a great summer as guest speakers taught us how we too can walk with God as those in the Bible did. Now we are kicking off a brand new series titled, “The Church”. Pastor Brian Bloye kicked us off with a great message regarding why we ...
They Walked With God - Joseph
We are unpacking yesterday's message by our guest pastor/speaker Terrance Lester. Terrance gave the final message of the teaching series that we’ve been in titled, “They Walked With God”, focusing on Joseph and what it looks like to remain in f...
They Walked with God - Esther
How easy is it to stay in the outskirts, blend in with the crowd and play it safe? Our guest speaker yesterday was Dakota Adair and he walked us through the book of Esther and how this topic relates to us in today's time. Join our host, Jason C...
After Message - You Can Walk with God (David)
Paul Richardson, pastor of Take Hold Church in Scotland, gave a powerful message yesterday in our series “They Walked with God”. Paul focused his message around David. David is often referred to as a man after God’s own heart, but how did he be...
After Message - Abraham
Today we are unpacking yesterday's message by our guest speaker, James Griffin, the pastor Cross Point City Church. James continued the teaching series titled, “They Walked With God”, and focused on the life of Abraham. Abraham risked more for ...
After Message: Run with Horses
This week, we had a powerful message in our series, "They Walked with God", given by Tim Grandstaff. He is the pastor of Genesis Church in Orlando, Florida. He walked us through the book of Jeremiah and how he doubted God's plan. Early in Jerem...
After Message - Better Than Ehud
We are in the middle of a series, “They Walked With God”, where we are taking a look at the lives of some of the people we read about in the Old Testament. This week our teacher was Christian Newsome. He is the pastor at Journey Church Internat...
After Message - Father's Day: Trust in the Lord
Yesterday we had a great Sunday as Kenn Kington painted a powerful picture of how trusting God is vital in our lives. Trusting God in every situation, especially the challenging seasons in our lives, is what gives us the strength to carry on. H...
After Message - Pitching a Tent
Dr. Will Gravely gave a power message as he continued the teaching series that we’ve been in titled, “They Walked With God”. The focus this week was on the life of Moses and his relationship with the Lord. The illustration used was the differen...
After Message: They Walked with God - King Asa
On today’s episode, we dive into a topic from our new series, “They Walked with God”. We are going to wrestle with a tough question: How can people who have walked with God for many years, gone to church and served faithfully, suddenly walk awa...
After Message - Jehovah Tsidkenu: The God of My Righteousness
We are approaching the end of our series, "What's in a Name?" Doctor John Morgan is teaching on a name that most of us have probably not heard before. Jehovah Tsidkenu: The God of my Righteousness. Today's episode of our podcast is unique as we...
After Message - Jehovah Tsaba: The Lord Our Warrior
This week, Pastor Steve Veale spoke on one of the less familiar, but still, very encouraging names of God. Jehovah Tsaba - the Lord of Hosts, the Lord Our Warrior. We can often feel a disconnect between our faith in God and our trust in God. Wh...
After Message - The Lion and the Lamb
Continuing in our series titled, “What’s in a Name?”, Todd Hampton taught on two names of God that may seem contradictory in theory. The Lion and the Lamb. Todd provided a clear picture of how two completely different symbols describes God’s ch...
After Message - Jehova Jirah: The Lord Our Provider
As we make our way through our series titled, "What's in a Name?", Paul Richardson gave a powerful message focusingon Genesis 22 and the story of when God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham demonstratedtremendous faith ...
After Message - Jehovah Rapha: The Lord Who Heals
This week Pastor Brian and his wife Amy continued our series, What’s In A Name with the name Jehovah Rapha - the God who heals from Exodus 15. No matter if you’re in need of physical, emotional, relational or spiritual healing - God wants ...
After Message - Yahweh: The Relational God
We kicked off a new series this week titled, “What’s In A Name?” where we will be learning about the Names of God. This week, we specifically talked about the name Yahweh - The Relational God. Pastor Brian started out his message yesterday talk...
After Message - The Resurrection of Jesus
Whether you’re a Christian or not, whether you’re churched or not—you’ve probably at least heard of Easter. We’re going to be diving a little deeper on the Resurrection of Jesus and why Easter is so important because for Christians. The true me...
After Message - Confidence Only the Holy Spirit Can Give (Palm Sunday)
The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in our daily lives as we follow Jesus. Pastor Brian continued to teach through Jesus’ last teaching to His disciples in our last week of the Abide series. Join our host Jason Chandler and his guest Tyler Newso...
After Message - The World's Hatred
As we continue in our Abide Series, Todd Hampton spoke about what Abiding in Christ looks like in the midst of “The World’s Hatred”. He explained that often we can operate from one extreme to another as we deal with haters. He started out quoti...