West Ridge Church Next Steps Podcast
The Next Steps Podcast from West Ridge Church is all about helping you take your next step in your faith. Each week after the Sunday message, we have a practical conversation around the message and talk through how we can apply it to our lives. Along the way, we tackle other tough questions and topics to help you in your walk with God.Whether you’re new to the faith or began following God many years ago, there’s a next step to take in your own story. Discover yours today!
West Ridge Church Next Steps Podcast
After Message - The Church: The Gathering
West Ridge Church
We’ve had a great summer as guest speakers taught us how we too can walk with God as those in the Bible did. Now we are kicking off a brand new series titled, “The Church”. Pastor Brian Bloye kicked us off with a great message regarding why we gather as a church. So what is the Church and is it really important if I'm a part of it? We are wired to be in community and on mission. One of the things that Pastor Brian said was that The Church is God's plan to accomplish His mission on the Earth. This is Plan A and there is no Plan B. Join our host, Chase Gentes, and his guest Todd Hampton.